New chapter brings new ideas

This week has been one of those weeks where I knew I needed something fresh to write. I've covered a considerable backstory with this third novel and have concentrated a significant amount on a few characters that were essential to the rest of the book. It was time to get back to our main protagonist, Belus. The trouble was I was starting a new chapter and really needed some inspiration...

When I did sit to write I promised myself I'd try to get 500 words down, to get the ball rolling, so to speak. After that I'd do another sitting later in the week in order to achieve my minimum weekly 1000 word target. So I sat and I began to write the first few sentences. These words set the scene and somehow got me into an unusual meditative state. It was as if I was a third party witnessing the events as they happened. I watched as Belus and his wife made their way to a special place, meeting with a new character who I paid particular attention to. The conversation between the three of them was important, I listened intently and watched the old man with a suspicious eye, could this new character be trusted, did he mean well?

You see I found myself simply writing what I saw in the depths of my imagination. I had been transported to that place, I was with the three of them, unseen, and watching from the shadows... 

When I initially sat down I can honestly say I had very little to go on; it's strange how the imagination works. Sometimes you just have to sit and open up with a descriptive sentence or two, before you know it an hour or more of time will have passed by. Next week I'll be able to continue with this particular storyline, I've left it at an interesting point and so jumping back in shouldn't be difficult.

Belus is growing into a very interesting novel, of course there's magic and amazing things that happen, but there's plenty of mystery and intrigue to keep you guessing. After all, Belus is one of the most important characters of The Chronicle of Niru, so it's only natural that this book should keep the reader hooked and perhaps reveal why a Dragon King became so different...

Now a little marketing. Dragon King and Olgrun (or volumes 1 and 2 of the series) recently became available via Kindle and Amazon in both electronic and paperback format. At the moment sales are zero for April. It's not that the books have poor reviews (they don't have any reviews) it's because they are lost in a sea of around 1.5 million titles that are also competing for your attention, and hopefully a sale. Please give these books a chance to see the light of day. I can promise you, that if you love fantasy and adventure, then you'll really enjoy the first two parts of The Chronicles of Niru...

Until next weekend. Bye for now...


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