Fantasy novel, fantasy life?

This week my wife and I managed a few days away in Dorset. One day was particularly overcast but nonetheless we decided to make the most of a poor weather situation and visit Abbotsbury Gardens on the south coast of the UK (close to a stretch of land called the Jurassic Coast).

This was to be our second visit to Abbotsbury, I can highly recommend these sub-tropical gardens as a place for wellbeing, a good walk and somewhere to reflect on life and nature's beauty. The wonderful flowers, trees and ferns all got me thinking, about life and my novels...

You see, as I've probably mentioned before, Dragon King was based on the premise of a universal consciousness, that out there somewhere is something we can't comprehend and yet it is a part of each and every one of us. Physicists today are toying with the idea that we live in a holographic universe and this, combined with Einstein's 'spooky action at a distance' and the famous double slit and Schrodinger's cat experiments, suggest that there might be something to the idea that it is possible we are living in a fantasy world, something created by this unfathomable universal consciousness itself. We may be no more than avatars, our lives being meant for love and learning, the lessons of which we take back to this infinite ocean of knowledge when we die.

Perhaps when we are born, a tiny drop of this ocean resides in each of us. It is our psyche, or our soul, if you prefer. It could indeed be true that information creates matter (as quantum physics may suggest) and therefore even the bricks and mortar of our physical world are also made from this ocean of consciousness. Whilst I thought about these things I admired the wonderful beauty of nature that the gardens have to offer and subjected my wife to a sample of my 'deep thinking' - I'm not she lasted more than a few seconds before her eyes glazed over... 

Whatever life is, we may never get the truth. Death may simply be an eternal oblivion and life is a mystery that is there to be grasped with both hands. For me I think it's important to keep an open mind. Anything is possible. I'm not a fan of religion, I think historically all faiths have blood on their hands, they have seen wars, torture, murder, and even today can be embroiled in the kind of unsavoury conspiracies that no one should be a part of.

Is there an omni present force out there that created everything? Possibly, and maybe it's all around us, beginning with the philosopher Democritus and his idea of the atom . Maybe those strange subatomic particles that form everything we are and everything we see all come from this consciousness I have described. Maybe, therefore, we are all gods in our own way.

And yes, before you ask, I just managed to achieve my 1000 word target. Belus has grown just a little bit more. I continue to write my fantasy novels whilst very possibly, living a fantasy life...


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